So You Want to Own a Hedgehog…

If exotic pets are your thing, you’ve probably considered bringing a hedgehog home at one point or another.
Here are some pros and cons to help you decide if a hedgie is the right pet for you!
Lifespan These little insectivores live for four to six years, so you have to be prepared to provide proper care for their entire life.
Busy Bee Although these spiky pets are relatively small in size (six to nine inches long), they need plenty of cage to run around in, as well as time outside of their cage to explore and exercise. Hedgehogs do prefer to live alone, and cages can be found relatively inexpensively.
Night Owls Hedgies are nocturnal, and prefer to snooze all day. They make great companions for people who are active at night. Hedgies are also best for older children and adults, as children can get excited and the hedgies may feel threatened and extend their quills.
Easy Peasy Hedgies are easy to care for and don’t smell. They have a quiet, calm personality. They are rarely aggressive and, when properly socialized, make great companions. Their food is easily available and inexpensive.
Handling The more you handle a hedgie, the better you bond with them. Hedgies don’t typically seek out attention from their human but will learn to enjoy being handled.
Allergies Hedgies don’t have dander like a lot of other small furry pets. This makes them a great option for people with allergies. You don’t have to settle for a fish or a hairless cat, a hedgie could be your new best friend!
Those quills! Hedgies can be handled despite their quills. Handling will take some getting used to, as they are a little prickly. The quills are only extended when the hedgie feels scared or
threatened, and in most cases they will curl up into a ball, which is their primary defense mechanism.
When bringing any new pet into your family it is important to do all the research. Hedgies can make a great addition to any family with the proper care and handling!